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The Duality of Self in Reflections
©2020 Jessica Haines

Years of my life were spent struggling in silence, seemingly okay to the world but a complete wreck inside. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when I was 16, the summer before my senior year of high school. Until that point, no one knew the severity of what I had been going through and even then they could never fully understand. Through this body of work I hope to show the world what that battle felt like. And I know there are many other people out there experiencing similar struggles so I hope this helps them in some way.

The reflections in the images give an inside look into my mind while on the outside I appear normal. The journal and the phrases taken from it show how I was thinking and feeling during those times. The blood splatters around the edges, created using my own blood, represent the years of self harm, which is a large factor in many mental disorders. And the photos being in black and white represent how simple things can seem when they are really much more complicated. 

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